How will I know if I need psychotherapy and when should I apply?
People can apply to psychoanalytic psychotherapy to make sense of their experiences, to be more mature spiritually, and to analyze themselves and their lives better. People can benefit from therapy at any stage of their life. However, psychotherapy is a treatment method. Persons; When they encounter and have difficulty in coping with in their lives, and when various symptoms (depression, panic attacks, anxiety, anger, etc.) occur as a result of these situations, During periods when they notice repetitive cycles in their relationships, lose their functionality in the general flow of their life, and have difficulty continuing, When they want to understand, analyze and discover the aspects they want to change about themselves and in their search for meaning in life, They can go to therapy for a more integrated, calm and peaceful life between the inner world and the outer world.
In which subjects can I apply?
Adolescent therapy and adult individual psychotherapy sessions as well as couple and family psychotherapy sessions are offered.
Some of the topics studied with adolescents are;
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Anger problem Annxiety issues Problems with peers School-related difficulties/adjustment issues Exam anxiety Obsessions Relationship issues Identity issues Loss and mourning Trauma Sexual issues Unhealthy eating habits Intensive computer use Family problems
Some of the topics studied with adults are;
Depression, depressed affect Anger Issues anxiety disorders Stress Panic attack Obsessive-Compulsive patterns Obsessions Relationship issues Sexual problems, Problems experienced in society due to sexual identity Situations exposed to gender inequality Eating pattern issues Traumatic experiences of loss and grief Physical ailments of psychological origin, psychosomatic problems Issues such as lack of self-confidence, shyness Problems with work life Work stress Burnout performance anxiety Conflicts within the family Difficulty Expressing Emotions, Communication Problems Family problems
How do I decide whether to be a psychologist or a psychiatrist? Do psychologists prescribe drugs?
Psychiatrists are physicians who graduated from medical school and specialized in Psychiatry and have the authority to prescribe drugs. Psychologists cannot prescribe medication, but in cases where medication support is required (in line with the advice of specialists working with the client or in line with the needs of the person), the psychiatric process is added to the therapy process. The psychotherapy process and the use of drugs are separate fields, so it is appropriate to conduct it with different specialists. As an institution, we work with state and private hospitals and psychiatrists, and if needed, you will be guided correctly by your psychologist.
Which therapy approach works best for me? How to choose a therapy school?
The therapy schools that are known and frequently used today are shared below: psychoanalytic psychotherapy psychodynamic psychotherapy schema therapy cognitive behavioral therapy systemic approach
What is psychoanalytic psychotherapy?
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a therapy technique based on the techniques and theory of psychoanalysis created by Freud. psychoanalytic psychotherapy; It is a process in which the person realizes the conflicts in his inner world and resolves and repairs these conflicts. By using various techniques such as free association and dreaming, the person makes his/her past and present experiences suitable for the external reality, where he/she can feel harmonious in his/her inner world. In this way, the person feels in harmony between his inner and outer reality and gains insight on his life. With psychoanalytic therapy, he starts to get rid of an unconscious experience that happens to him "by chance", is constantly repetitive, and he can't get out of it, and gets behind the wheel of his own life. It enables the person to become stronger internally and to live freely and in a balanced way in his own life.
How many sessions does therapy take?
The psychotherapy process differs depending on your expectations and the school where the specialist works. The problem, method and resources of each person who wants to enter the therapy process are unique to the person, so the therapy process also differs according to the person. Psychoanalytic studies are studies on your personality structure and accordingly have a long-term study approach. Symptom-focused schools focus on a person's symptom and stop working when the symptom disappears. In the first meeting, you can get a better idea of ​​the topics and the process with which you will work with your specialist.
When and how does the psychotherapy process end?
Therapy is a process carried out together with the psychologist and the client. It is the common denominator of these two parties that will decide on development, change and progress. There is no clear answer to when the work will end, it varies depending on the individual's personality traits, expectations and the depth of the work. Like the duration of therapy, its duration also differs individually. However, therapy does not start suddenly, nor does it end in a single session. You determine a termination date with your specialist according to your therapy period, and during that time you work on saying goodbye in a healthy way and your past separations.